Hi ,
2024 is the twentieth anniversary of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training and the 21st anniversary of the publishing by Penguin-Putnam of my first book, The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard).
I've since bought the rights and in celebration of 20 years, I updated it, ( for the fourth time), which it badly needed because it was published before things like podcasts and social media . I've also shortened it for our 21st century compromised attention spans.
It has color illustrations. Same humor, mindfulness, prompts, and profound ways to get through creativity.
So Aha-phrodite, Albert, Bea Silly, Audacity, Lull, Spills, Muse Song, Shadow Muse, Marge, (and the Bodyguard) - which are powerful creative principles in the guise of Muses, are back. If you want to catch them in their 2024 form, order here.
Watch for Muse Group Facilitator Course coming up this Spring.
Here's an excerpt:
Every mortal has some way to be a creative beacon. Whether it be to make luscious variations of portobello spaghetti sauce, to write a ditty about falling stars for the girl at the wi-fi cafe, to invent a fugue in D, a duet in E, and a ballad in Biloxi, to dance wild new steps to silly old songs, to smile radiantly from the heart, or to create awe in the studio audience of the mind, of life, of the effervescent magic of the soul—every mortal has a creative light just waiting to shine brighter.
To be creative is, yes, to do art. It has also been identified as one of the top qualities of an effective manager and the edge a successful entrepreneur has on competitors. It is an inner beauty that radiates on the outside no matter what age you are. Creative expression is the beacon your soul mate will detect to find you. It is the key to relationships that flourish, and the means through which parenting becomes joyous. It is the tool that takes a mundane reality and makes it extraordinary. Creative problem solving is the answer to life’s most challenging dilemmas. If you choose to be creative, life is a fulfilling journey where wonder awaits every twist of thought and turn of attitude.
"First edition was life changing. So thanks for that! Brava and cheers!" ~Eber Lambert
Spills: the Muse of Practice, Process, and Imperfection will be making a guest appearance at the Let's Talk Creativity workshop this Saturday 9:30 pacific, 12:30 eastern will be about getting through the feeling of never being and never doing enough... Creativity's Evil Step Sister - Perfectionism. For newsletter subscribers there's a discount: $15 Includes recording