Happy New Year,
Thank you to those who came Blessing of the New Year workshop. I wanted to share my blessing with you. The ingredients come from what I teach in Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching and what I've learned makes me happy:
May you remember what works for you.
May you appreciate who you are in this moment and acknowledge what you’ve accomplished realizing you are way cool a fair amount of the time and can relax the rest of the time
May you trust that when you appreciate who you are in the moment you won’t become complacent, in fact you will you want to get to your passion not because you fear not being good enough if you don’t, but because you love doing it.
May you be in awe of the riches and miracles already present everywhere – adding 5 seconds to the moments you notice them so you can deepen your appreciation.
May you want what you have.
May you no longer pressure yourself to get things done but make each small step fun and once it’s done to be close enough.
May you avoid the discomfort of comparison and let envy simply be a signpost to your next small step. Those things are normal so if they happen, just congratulate yourself for being human.
May you surround yourself with people who believe in
you and accept you for who you are. May you believe in others.
May rejections and people who don’t understand you just inspire you to accept and understand yourself even better.
May you have the encouragement you need to feel supported as if by a constant benevolent soul, not pressured by a tyrannical one, and may you be that benevolent soul.
May you push yourself past your habitual limits in a kind and gentle way to surpass your tendency to stop … if this applies to you."
May you know when you’ve done enough each day and rest in satisfaction or dance in celebration
May you excel at these things on a good day, but on the bad ones just say, I trust I’ll get stuff done… I’ll Begin Again tomorrow.
Workshops, Trainings, Retreats
Wild Abandon Writing Workshop on Zoom
4 weeks starting January 10 3-4:30 pacific time Unconventional ways to gather words, phrases, and thoughts that are then eased into poetry, prose, or even nonsense.
We start with raw materials in the form or words and phrases and collage them together
Write to savor, capture, invent, love, entertain, heal, celebrate, discover, emote, release, share, and to enjoy the feelings words evoke when arranged in a combination you instinctually design.
Let's Talk About Creativity
Saturday, January 13 9:30 am pac,10:30mtn, 11:30 cen 12pm eastern
The Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training was recognized by Life Coaching Magazine as the best creativity coaching available. Now the tools and approaches that won it that honor are shared monthly, starting in January in a Zoom Session called Let's Talk About Creativity. I will share the most effective tools for getting through procrastination and we will talk about what we love about what we do. Free to members of The Underground.
Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training: Three spaces left
17-week training on Zoom beginning Monday, January 22
Whether you want to help others or understand the power of your own creativity when mindfulness, compassion, intuition, and small steps is in the mix, come find out why this training was recognized by Life Coaching Magazine as the best creativity coaching training. Filling fast. More info here.
Art and Creativity Walk in Italy - I'm so excited about this.. Travel is even more enchanting our experience is deepened with the mindfulness of creativity. (In between delicious food and beautiful walks) We will be do this through art, smart photography, and writing on Italian Riviera. October 2024
Thank you for being a subscriber, Write, let me know if there's a creative block you'd like me to address or a creative success you'd like to share with me.
- Author/illustrator of three books on creativityand mindfulness
- Creator and Teacher of KMCC and A Muse's Daydream
- Certified Yoga/Mindfulness Instructor
- Multi-media artist, performance poet, and playwright
- Award winning inspirational goof-ball and author.
- Dispenser of thousands of weird creativity prompts including on Facebook
- Corporate Dropout
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