When I began making podcasts, it was a few months into the pandemic and I figured this would be my contribution to sanity, that of anyone who wanted to listen and myself.
I wanted to do something different from an interview format because:
- There's enough interview formats out there doing a phenomenal job
- I love playing around with the creativity possible with sound effects, story, and humor.
- I do things differently
I stopped for a few months thinking, that's all I have, and then I challenged myself to break through that perceived limitation. How can I teach principles of creativity and throw the towel during a lull? I love doing podcasts, I was just burnout.
I wanted to prove to myself that I could come up with ideas even if it's not as easy as when the podcast had a novel beginning. I wanted to get through the "creative chaos" I teach about in the Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training. One of the ways to do that is after a break... flounder around. That's what I did.
As the greats have always said, the way to an idea is not to wait for one, but to begin writing, painting, moving.. whatever and go where it takes me: flounder, edit edit edit and add sound effects, edit, release ...
When mindfulness and the imagination collided, a little mirth was added, Georgia o'Keeffe showed up, and a six minute story emerged that I hope will inspire you to pay more attention to the details of life that make you smile, like flowers or coffee drank from coffee cups drawn with eyes closed.
I've included the script if you want to read along as you listen.

I take a little look around this hibiscus and see Georgia O’Keeffe in here, she’s
Thanks for subscribing
Dancer, Patricia Maldonado will help to kick off the evening
Art Reception - enjoy nibbles and drinks with us while viewing artwork and poetry
Workshop Sampler: June 27, 2023 11am pacific/ 2pm eastern: Zoom
Is the KMCC training for me?
What IS the Muse Facilitator training?
What happens at Wild Abandon Retreats like Omega, Italy, and Taos?
These questions and more, answered in this free workshop. It will be recorded if you can't make it but you need to register here.
Finding Inspiration with Jill Badonsky- Through the Athenaeum on Zoom
July 19 11am - 1pm pacific time/ 2pm - 4 pm eastern
- Find ways to find inspiration for drawing and simple watercolor painting
- Play with techniques for turning an idea into reality
- Get ideas from the work of others but making it your own
- Know where to begin or which idea to choose
Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training: Zoom
August 21, 2023 — December 11, 2023 17-weeks of learning tools and approaches through a rich online community, two live-inactive Zoom classes a week, discussion, reading, and experiences based on science, mindfulness, intuition, and permission to be free from the fear, habits, pressures, and messages we get that stop our creative joy. KMCC here
The Modern Day Muse Group Facilitation Training: Zoom
September 12 - December 5 (no class Thanksgiving week)
Two Muses: Albert (Terry Way) and Bea Silly (Rozy Walker) will be teaching you how to run your own creativity groups based on the book The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard). Or take it to return to, unleash or deepen your own creativity.
Save the date - registration will be coming up in upcoming newsletters.
An additional training with Jamie Gutierrez will be scheduled early 2024 TBA
Wild Abandon at Omega Institute of Holistic Sciences: New York
October 1-6, 2023. A week of immersing ourselves in Wild Abandon writing, art, photography, and good times in a forest in the Hudson Valley. Register here
The Muse in Winter: Writing and Art Retreat in Taos New Mexico:
FULL - Contact me for the waiting list
Feb 10-14, 2023
This year the workshops, art, improv, even the entertainment will be all geared toward writing. We will explore and celebrate creative writing and make art for writers in enchanting Taos. Payment plans available. Taos link is here.
Art Walk and Creativity on the Italian Riviera
October 14-20, 2024 Plenty of time to save up for gelato!
I'll be providing the creative part of a tour to the Italian Riviera. Here's the link to sign-up For all levels from beginners to travel-hungry pros.
The Underground Highway to Creative Results: Zoom and FB
For regular Fun Creative Prompts and a spectacular group of supportive creatives, join me in the Underground .
Monthly Zoom Creativity Workshop and Wild Abandon art and writing prompts weekly and a secret FB page (optional) for only $23 .. . Check that here.