“Know the rules well,
so you can break them effectively.”
One of the first things I say at my creativity retreats is,
"There's no right or wrong way to do art or writing.
If you think you're doing it wrong...go with it anyway!
You're not here to get a grade!
Instinct, intuition, and going rogue is better
than following directions that don't resonate with your creative urges.
Creativity is being an individual
not an ardent rule follower or teacher-pleaser."
One reason we do this is because we are so used to having to follow instructions in school and maybe at work, that we suppress our natural tendencies to go in a more individually inspired direction to follow our own voice. This is where not only our gold is... but where we develop the confidence that turns to passion... and passion makes perseverance easier.
Starting out, it's not uncommon to feel we must follow directions in a certain way.
The more confident you get the more freedom you'll feel but give yourself permission to find out the directions, then do what feels good to you.
Invariably, INVARIABLY... at my retreats someone will say, "I'm not sure if I'm doing this RIGHT."
Or when they show their work they start by saying, "I don't think I did this right but here's my work or here's what I wrote," which is usually amazing.
If you did ANYTHING... you are doing it right. You're allowed to do something unique and different without making that announcement - at my workshops you won't be judged and if you are judged at someone else's workshop... RUN!
Maybe if you find your own way you could say, "Here's how I interpreted the directions... and add silently or aloud, "I rock."
It's time to celebrate our different approaches instead of apologizing for them or making the interpretation of directions the reason we are special.
Your work is special whether or not you are following directions. One of the most satisfying parts of the creative process is deepening the relationship with YOURSELF.
All best,
If you want to do something NOW:
Since it's a week of bunnies and chicks, use the following painting by Lucia Stewart upside down as reference, turn right side up and color in with paints, pencils, markers, or leftover Jell-o.
Don't worry about getting it exactly RIGHT... your voice comes out when you deviate from the original. Happy Easter and Passover.
Oh, btw... I have three retreats coming up:
The Muse in Winter: Taos, NW for Writing February 10-14 Link coming
and Italy! October 2024 - This will be password free shortly if not already.