For my morning writing I picked out a prompt from a favorite book about poetry and it asked me to:
Find a totem, a shell, or a rock and ask it a question and then write about the answer.
I thought that was imaginative and maybe even a little intriguing but I am a little lazy ---sometimes--- so instead of getting up out of bed and finding a totem, a shell or a rock, I picked up a coaster on the end table beside my bed thought and asked,
"Where should I love?"
I meant to ask, "Where should I live?" because I had been thinking moving to a different city with no idea where to go, but I asked, "Where should I love?"
"Love" was a typo, as it has been occasionally in my life. But I stayed with the typo.
"Where should I love?" I asked my coaster again. My coaster began to write in my journal:
Love the teacup and the soothing mint tea, on the end table by the bed. The cup is warm and feels good on your back.
Love saving fine furniture from rings that take away from its beauty.
Love being a souvenir from a castle in Scotland.
She must think I’m a coaster, I thought.
And then she wrote, Love being round.
I got a cup of mint tea and put it on top of her by the bed and wrote this:
I love being a round. I think I’ll stay .. around.
I love the way the subconscious volunteers things that don’t seem profound at first and then, when you daydream, their meaning hits you right in the saucer. I love being around.
I hope you love being a round. There’s so much to love:
The way the birds sing songs that tell their mates they’re still here each morning as the sun makes it’s morning debut for the billionith time.
The way paint makes a white page a celebration of azure, turquoise, and violet.
The way the comforter on the bed feels when the day seemed very long.
The way music takes us on a journey beyond the mundane, the way wherever you go… there you are – accessorized with a creative mind that can be transport you to best parts of life both in reality and ... in a daydream.
And sometimes I am a coaster.
Writing Prompt:
Find a totem, a shell, or a rock and ask it a question and then write about the answer.
Art Prompt:
You have been assigned Chic Coaster designer. It is your role to invent a new design for coasters that will thrill and amuse the general public. But you must start with something crappy in order to morph into something brilliant. Whatever you invent... believe in it, see it's uniqueness
New Shoes
“Hello New Shoes… good bye blues” from New Shoes by Paolo Nutini
I like to get new shoes at the beginning of the year. They set a condition that makes walking more effortless.
These are Hoka brand and I feel like I'm walking on air...
Other ways I set conditions. Re-reading writing I liked gets me in the mood to do more and lowering the pressure and just playing with art with complete permission to be uncoordinated. Also, using the
Self Control App to block social media.
© 2021 Jill Badonsky