All sorts of subterranean dynamics ranging from messages we received in early childhood to our concentration hijacked habitually by fixations with media and the refrigerator are stealing our time and rendering us creatively pissed. I either have to abide to my creative calling or be cranky. It's a law.
Creative call + do something to answer it = content, generous, kind, energetic, cordial, witty, insightful (at times, grandiose)
Creative call + ignore/avoid/resist it = cranky
Kahlil Gibran said: There is a space between man’s imagination and
mans attainment that may only be traversed by his longing.
- Evidently longing is important for traversing big spaces.
- How's your longing doing?
- Does it need to be longer, deeper, more nourished?
- Take a moment now, (I'll wait), and recall why you were drawn to the whatever endeavor you may not be getting to as much as you'd like. What was the allure in the first place?
- Write it down, obsess about it, think about it constantly. (For the next several decades)
- This question works in marriage counseling -- creativity is like a relationship:
What drew you and your creativity together in the first place? - Remember what it feels like when you're in that timeless, ageless flow with your creative passion. You can do this while showering, walking, feeding the cat, or shaving.
- Or other activities work as well.
- This exercise ramps up your longing.
- Evidently longing is important for traversing.
- Simply ask: What would it feel like to render distractions useless by ramping up my longing?
- You may need to tweak your focus, your approach, your technique just a tad so it best matches up with what would spark a more passionate devotion.
- Remember what has worked in the past- it has treasures, strength, and proven successes handy for application to the present.